About the Journal

Cyber Forensics and Security is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the advancement of the field by publishing the state of the art in both basic and applied research on cyber forensics and security. We purposefully chose to use the word cyber in our tagline, instead of digital to emphasize the cyberculture surrounding computing, and the word cyber also extends itself beyond the technical domain of computing. The Journal’s main aims are to open up the landscape for innovation and discussion and to continuously bridge the gap between the science and practice of cyber forensics, and security. This journal encourages both scientists and practitioners to share their discoveries and experiences.

CYFORS Journal (Cyber Forensics and Security Journals) is published twice a year in January and July. This journal is published by the Department of Information Technology, Institut Teknologi Tangerang Selatan. e-ISSN 3032-5870

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): Innovation System for landscape for innovation and discussion and to continuously bridge the gap between the science and practice of cyber forensics, and security.
					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): Innovation System for landscape for innovation and discussion and to continuously bridge the gap between the science and practice of cyber forensics, and security.

Journal of Cyber Forensics and Security (CYFORS) aims to advance and promote data science methods, computing, and applications in all scientific fields where knowledge and insights are to be extracted from data. The journal publishes research works on the full spectrum of data science including statistics, computer science, and domain applications. The topics can be about any aspect of the life cycle (collecting, processing, analyzing, communicating, etc.) of science projects from any field that involves understanding and making effective use of data. The emphasis is on applications, case studies, statistical methods, computational tools, and reviews of data science for innovation system

Published: 20-12-2024
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